Rolling Through the Competition

Brian Walentynowics, co-sports editor

Although the ice hockey season has come to an end, another hockey team is ready to create some more highlight reel plays. The skillful De Smet roller hockey squad, coming off their first state championship, is that team.

Last year’s team was predominantly a squad of seniors loaded with talent, which left the team with a lot of openings. Although many of the top players graduated, the team retained two of its top scorers, senior Tom Amato and sophomore Jared Westcott.

The rest of this year’s team looks to show they are as skilled worth watching as last year’s successful squad. Hoping to bring fans to the games, the team has promised entertaining play and action.

One of the biggest changes from ice hockey to roller hockey is the way the game is played. Ice hockey is a high impact, fast paced game, but roller hockey is a no contact sport, which leads to more quickly paced games. The players can move more freely and play a more offensive game.

“Without the normal physical game, it opens a lot of the rink up,” sophomore Jared Westcott said. “It allows us to run plays and make moves we would not normally run.”

The team is packed with offensive prowess this year, and they’re set to put up some numbers in the stat column. The team isn’t just about skill; they also realize the importance of team chemistry. They believe an integral part of their success will be because of their teamwork.

“When playing ice hockey and derby for three years together like we have, we know where each of us will be out there,” junior Brad Litwicki said. “We just have a good time working together, and that chemistry wins championships.”

Many all-star teams fail because they rely on the talent of individual players. De Smet’s roller hockey team proves that it takes more than just all-star talent to be successful.

Coming off their first varsity roller hockey state championship, the team is clearly confident that, with their combined talent and chemistry, they can bring home another trophy and begin a dynasty.