Movies that needs to be remade

The success of the brilliant Beauty and the Beast remake demonstrated just how receptive audiences can be to the notorious movie remake.  Remakes can be a hit or a miss, either revitalizing an old movie and bringing its name, characters and plot back to life or tainting its reputation.  Director Bill Condon hit a homerun with the recent Beauty and the Beast remake, and in doing so reminded the world of the power of the movie remake.  

Its success also leaves some to wonder what otherpast films could be remade in a way that would captivate audiences as they when they were first released. There are a number that could benefit from a modern touch, and even more are just begging to be remade.

Here are the movies that should be next up on filmakers’ movie remake to-do list:


A modern movie dealing with intense shark attacks and other dangers off the ocean would be awesome. Those kinds of movies are rare, and when they do come out they are even less likely to be good. A modern day actor like Brad Pitt would be great in the role of Martin Brody. Many think we have this remake already, but honestly Sharknado does not cut it.

Batman and Robin

The original film was just horrible. Hollywood needs a film that incorporates the origin story of Robin. It can play off of the ending of the final movie of the Batman trilogy, Batman: The Dark Knight Rises. Enough about Batman, that film left a Robin movie on a cliffhanger. Now, it is time to follow through.  People would see how Batman and Robin take on crime in Gotham from a perspective that they have never seen before. The filmmakers could even bring in the new villains from the new Batman game: Arkham Knight.

To Kill A Mockingbird

The book is a classic, as is the 1962, black and white movie. A lot of revenue would be made from remaking this movie, as the film has the potential to bring in a diverse audience. The remakers could potentially tailor the film to today’s culture and world. Most people know about the book and movie, so making a sequel would make people jump right back into the book and film.

The Wizard of Oz

Yet another classic, but once again the amount of people(and the variety) would create chaos for the ticket booths. A new message that the world needs today is the idea of friendship and love. The movie has sort of been forgotten somehow. With today’s technology, the effects on this remake could be dazzling and one of a kind. A new young actress, just as Beauty in the Beast did, would attract fans making the movie for hyped up.

Twelve Angry-Men

The book was fantastic, same with the movie. But to have it in color and have different actors that have their own character traits and personalities would be key. The jurors in the play, versus the jurors in the movie act the same, and we could really get a great presentation on how that jury decided if the accused defendant was guilty. Today’s acting has great actors that could play these roles very well, it would be interesting to see how they could remake it.

Indiana Jones

People have always loved their adventures, and this generation is no exception. Remaking the Indiana Jones films would only bring more people of all ages to watch the adventure/action-packed journeys. The rumor has it that Chris Pratt and Steven Spielberg, have something lined up to make a return in 2019. If they can deliver with this, the Indiana Jones movies will be back and humming in the box office.