Upcoming events
Students sit in the stands while cheering
Cool things happen all the time around the school that you don’t wanna miss. Here are a few of upcoming events that you wont wanna miss.
Back to school night: On Aug. 30 the parents will show up to school and walk through their child’s class to meet their child’s teachers. They will have all eight classes to go to though unlike the students who go to four classes a day.
No School: 9/4 Like every other school, students and teachers will be off school due to Labor Day.
Day holiday. So that kids can spend time with their friends and family.
School Photos: The photos on Sep. 12 are the photos that will be used in the yearbook. So every student should be dressed up in a coat and tie.
College Fair: On Sep.17 Christian Brothers High School will host a college fair for any grade level so that kids can meet college reps and learn about schools of their interest. The college fair will be 2-3 hours long.
Spartan Fest: On sep. 25-29 Students will participate in fun events throughout the school such as a pie eating contest, field goal kicking contest, and fun games around the school.
Spartan Fest semi-formal:On sept 30 All students are invited to come to the semi-formal and dance and have a good night with their friends.
Kairos: On Oct. 2 juniors and seniors are invited to get together and go on a retreat and spend time with God.
Big Draw Holiday: On Oct. 10 students will get a day off of school for selling enough tickets during The Big Draw, (but only if they sell enough tickets). So get out there and sell those tickets!