Former Assistant Coach And Alumnus Reflects On Mahoney’s Retirement

Will Maas, Class of 2009

The lessons I’ve learned from Coach [Pat] Mahoney have endured well past November 7, 2008, my last high school game: a 35-21 playoff loss to Ft. Zumwalt West.

Coach Mahoney instilled a phenomenal work ethic in every one of his players.  This work ethic served me well during my time at Truman State and beyond.

He also taught me about circular leadership and that true leadership is based in service .

The most important lesson I learned from Coach Mahoney, however, is to treat everyone extremely well. As those who have played for him will attest, Coach genuinely cares about every Spartan; from the star to the last man on the bench.

In doing so, Coach taught all of us that every person has an inherent value and is deserving of respect, kindness, compassion and most importantly our best effort. Thanks for everything Coach!