Presidential election update
A look into how the 2020 race is going
The 2020 Presidential Election is close but not over yet.
November 5, 2020
The 2020 election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is nearing its end, but the winner is not too clear as of now.
After Nov. 3, it is still too hard to project a winner for many different states as Alaska, Georgia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Nevada are still toss-ups.
Trump has won many states in the midwest including Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas. But, he did miss out on the big 20 electoral votes from Illinois, as Biden took them by almost 650,000 votes. Biden’s campaign rocked the states with many electoral votes as he won California by a landslide with 55 electoral votes, and New York with another 29.

The current President is not totally out of the race though. Winning Florida, Texas, Ohio, Missouri, and other small states in terms of electoral votes gave him a significant amount of votes in effort to get him closer to the magic number of 270.
As expected, there has been controversy along with all the ways to go about voting this year. Trump has been very active on Twitter as off late, asking for voting recounts to stop, claiming that ballots with votes for Biden have been spurting up in the states with close races, causing the thought of some people that this election may have something fishy going on behind the scenes.
It’s still too early to call a winner for this Presidential Election, as it has spurred into the later days of this week with many votes still needing to be counted. With Biden in the lead in terms of popular vote and electoral votes, it is still very possible that America could see a change of scenery in the oval office.