Mass of the Holy Spirit preview
A look into the first all school event of the year
Workers from the Aries company prepare to set up 800 chairs 6 feet apart on the turf.
September 17, 2020
De Smet will conduct a Mass of the Holy Spirit Friday on the turf in what will be the first gathering of the entire school together.
“The Mass of the Holy Spirit is a tradition in Jesuit schools that goes back several hundred years,” Campus Ministry Director William Manaker, S.J. said. “It’s a tradition of beginning the academic year by calling upon the Holy Spirit to ask for guidance, grace, and inspiration in our work and studies.”
There are a couple of rules that need to be followed for the well being of the students and also the teacher’s safety during this time dealing with COVID-19.
“We’ll have chairs spread out across the field beforehand with six-foot separation between each,” Mr. Manaker, S.J. said. “We’ll also make sure that students don’t have to leave their seats for Communion; instead, we will send a team of ministers throughout the field to go to each person.”
Students will arrive at the school before 9 a.m and head to their homerooms where they will be called by class to head over to the turf field. There will be a mass attire dress code but students will receive a special t-shirt to wear in their homerooms.
“For Mass this Friday, the dress code is the same as the summer dress code, except that we will distribute special Mass of the Holy Spirit t-shirts to wear.” Mr. Manaker, S.J. said. “This means spirit shirt, [khaki] dress shorts, belt, athletic shoes with socks.”