Captain of football team looks to graduate early
Junior Nate Martins looks downfield for an open receiver.
May 11, 2018
Two sport, starting varsity athlete, junior Nate Martens has decided to graduate from De Smet early to pursue his career in football.
Martens is a starting varsity quarterback and a starting first baseman with hopes of moving his football career forward.
“I want to go to college and be able to play spring football,” Martens said. “And kind of just get a head start at college football to better my chances of playing earlier.”
This process will give Martens a better chance of performing at a higher level than most other football players around the country.
“It helps on recruiting when coaches ask for when you are going to graduate,” Martens said. “It is kind of a boost in their book when you can come in early and learn the offense.”
Martens will be graduating after his first semester of his senior year and must work ahead to reach the curriculum.
“I am going to be taking online classes in the summer and a math class,” Martens said. “I’m taking theology seven right now and in the fall I’m going to be taking a really elective heavy course and two English classes to get all my credits to be able to graduate early from De Smet.”
The scouting process has allowed Martens to have a wide variety of colleges to look at including Purdue, Temple, Northern Iowa, and Wyoming and with this Martens has to sacrifice many of the things other seniors would normally do to begin his career.
“I’m definitely going to miss out on things that other people think are really cool memories to have with guys in high school,” Martens said. “But this is an opportunity that could help me in my future so I wanted to take it.”