State Representative visits government class
State Representative from Missouri came to De Smet last week to talk with Mr. Bognar’s classes.
Missouri State Representative Tracy McCreery visited with Phillip Bognar’s period 2 and 3 Government Classes. She is one of the multiple state representatives from both political parties who will meet with Bognar’s class. Friday afternoon in the new innovation center, McCreery talked about her life as a state representative, her political views, her life before politics, how she got into politics, and how to work with other politicians. McCreery talked about how her job is setting up the future for us, and also gave some insight on how to build a better community in Saint Louis.
“I enjoy people’s candor and also appreciate talking to people that come from different political backgrounds,” McCreery said. “Part of my job is I have to know how to get along and work with people from all different backgrounds. The thing about talking to students is sometimes you don’t know their political background and I enjoy that energetic interaction.”
This is McCreery’s fifth year as a State Representative, she recently gained a chair on the utility board and also has a chair on the agricultural board. McCreery talked about how she is considered a minority within the group of representatives. At times she mentioned she has different beliefs than other representatives but must remain calm and realize her goal is to help Missouri residents.
“For me, this was a positive experience as I see how much work is put into creating a better state,” senior Brandon Slater said. “Even though we may have different beliefs I understand that she and others are just trying to help.”
After McCreery was finished talking, she opened up a discussion encouraging anyone in the room to ask questions. This led to another in depth conversation about how the government in Jefferson City works, and along with what their goals are.
“Well, it might sound corny, but it reminds me of why I do my Job,” McCreery said. “Although most of you are not voters, everything we do in Jefferson City affects your lives so it’s kind of a good touchstone for me to remember who I’m working on behalf of.”