The Melting Earth
Depiction of the Earth as ice cream because of global warming and our Earth is getting warmer every year.
Global warming or climate change has been affecting the planet in many ways and recent reports have said that the effects could be irreversible. With the recent hurricanes in Texas, Puerto Rico and Florida there must be some changes to prevent these disasters from continuing because if there are no changes, our planet will be in ruins.
Less energy usage is very important because it can prevent carbon dioxide from getting into our atmosphere and warming our planet even more.
The reason why less energy should be used is that wasting energy isn’t good for the environment and the people living in it. Things like deforestation, cement production, and burning fossil fuels can emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which helps fuel global warming.There are many ways to preserve energy like using fluorescent light bulbs, recycling, driving fuel-efficient cars, and using less tap water. Energy is wasted almost every day and that’s not good because if this continues to happen, the planet will continue to get hotter.
Society should try to gravitate away from fossil fuels like oil and coal and move towards a more cleaner and renewable energy sources.
The use of fossil fuels is one of the main reasons why global warming has been at an alarming rate for the last decade. When fossils fuels are burned it emits gases that go into the atmosphere which make heat and if they can’t go out, that heat stays in the atmosphere. Fossil fuels are used for everything such as air conditioning in homes, electricity, manufacturing, and many more everyday things. Some renewable energy sources we could use are solar energy, wind power, geothermal energy, and hydropower. It will be hard to move away from fossil fuels because using renewable energy is sort of expensive but the more we use fossil fuels they will eventually be harder to find and will eventually be all gone. If all of the fossil fuels are used up then sea levels can possibly rise to levels where they can engulf an entire city.
There are many people who believe that global warming is not a real thing and it’s just a theory from scientists but they are wrong. People who deny global warming believe that the data that is being collected is not exactly accurate. The fact that there are colder winters gives them the idea that global warming is not really just because it is cold outside. One of the net effects of global warming is that some areas will get hotter while others get colder and many scientists have said that one of the effects of the melting ice caps is colder temperatures in other areas. They also believe that humans are not a source of global warming. Humans are definitely a source because humans burn fossil fuels and waste energy doing basic everyday things. Many of those skeptics have been proven wrong by lots of data so that should give a consensus that global warming is a real thing affecting our environment.
Global warming is a real thing because our environment is drastically changing with stronger hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes happening all over the world. Society must come together to use more renewable energy sources and get other areas to as well so we can have a livable planet for future generations.

Favorite food:
Reading, video games, hanging out with friends, and running
Favorite fast food place:
Taco Bell
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