Independent programming
Senior uses new course offering to develop computer skills
In an effort to improve his programming skills, senior Justin McNeil discusses the C# program with computer science teacher Ryan Sextro. McNeil is learning the computer language as part of his independent study program.
He speaks a new language when he turns on his computer. It is a language of numbers, periods, and brackets. He works constantly typing code to program software on his computer, building it from the ground up.
Senior Justin McNiel takes an Independant Study period based around programming with Computer Science teacher Ryan Sextro.
“The fact I get to study what I like to do in depth unlike a normal class is what I like about it,” McNeil said. “I know my interests, and the teacher can dive into what I like instead of what everyone else’s interests are.”
The new opportunity of Independent study gives the students the ability to learn with a hands on experience and pursue a subject after high school. The main goal of the students is to use technological resources to create new solutions to solve complex problems, to collaborate with others effectively, develop confidence and work through failure.
“[Justin’s] opportunities are unlimited through this program and after it,” Sextro said. “He is so driven on his own I am only there to give him feedback.”
McNiel is currently learning the C# program by learning what each individual number and formula means. C# is a computer language mainly used to create video games and iPhone apps. Unity is one of the video game companies that uses the C Sharp language to code their games and apps. By learning the C Sharp program McNeil and Sextro plan to create a project using the coding. McNiel hopes to carry the programming through college by studying computer science, cybersecurity and cryptography.
“My passion is to create my own encryption cypher which I think is really fun,” McNeil said. “Programming is just like a puzzle, I like finding out the way to solve it.”

Favorite food:
Sour patch kids
Long walks in the park and volleyball
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Never shower for the rest of your life or never brush your teeth?
DKim • Oct 29, 2017 at 8:27 pm
Quality article. The writer behind this piece must be a fantastic journalist. Journalism at its finest. Props to “Spencer Caldwell”.