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Tony Zola '27, Luca Gruzska '27, and David Cunningham '28 bringing out cans during the Great Ignatian Challenge.
Tony Zola ’27, Luca Gruzska ’27, and David Cunningham ’28 bringing out cans during the Great Ignatian Challenge.
Lap Nguyen

Sophomore Spreads Positivity Across Campus

He walks around the school’s annual blood drive, going from person to person conversing with them making them feel good. He is too young to give blood, so instead he strives to make a positive presence.

Sophomore Luca Gruszka is a heavily involved student in the school. As only a sophomore he is already taking part in: STUCO, bass fishing team, SWAT, campus ministry, DIP, and the spanish club. 

“Luca is one of the most positive guys,” Bass Fishing Coordinator Kevin Berns said. “From the first time I met him he was helping other people.” 

Gruszka has a passion for fishing, and is a key part of the bass fishing team at the school. He goes after the bluegill and fishes for quantity to help the team get the most points.

“He catches bluegill after bluegill after bluegill and goes above and beyond with his fishing,” Berns said. “He’s a team oriented guy that is trying to have a good time and help other people.”

Gruszka also finds joy in campus ministry and helps plan liturgies, class masses, prayer services, and weekly adoration alongside his other peers. 

“He stood out because not many freshmen like to jump right in and get involved,” Director of Campus Ministry Kelsey Grimm said. “He was not afraid to jump right in, he was a go-getter.” 

Last November Gruszka also stood out as he joined the senior class to help remember their fallen classmate in a special mass. 

“No matter how busy he is, he is always willing to jump in and help a teacher, classmate, or volunteer for an activity,”Grimm said. “His attitude is also a great example to everybody, I think he rubs off on everybody, that positivity.”

Aside from his success and involvement at the school, Gruszka fought a three and half year battle with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). He was diagnosed in 2016 and endured many hardships along the way.

Now four years and many surguries later Gruszka is cancer free, and visits his doctor every six months to ensure his health is where it needs to be.

“Sometimes I view days as, I woke up,” Gruzska said. “And after I just continue my day trying to be happy and be a good person, and try to make that reflect on people.”


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