Junior scores perfect ACT score

Connor Gunn ’23

Junior Hudson Miller ’24 achieved a perfect score on his ACT to complement his impressive academic record.

John Mills, Entertainment Editor

On March 7, junior Hudson Miller took the ACT in one of our familiar classrooms, and obtained a perfect score which only 0.313% of test takers earn.
“I was pumped and shocked to see that I got a perfect score,” Hudson said. “I did not expect to get it on the first try, but I’m happy to see that the prep I did before the test paid off.”
Before the test, Hudson did several ACT practice exams along with multiple other things before taking his test.
“What I did was get ample sleep a few nights before the test, picking out comfortable clothes,” Hudson said. “And to make sure I had the necessary materials.”
Hudson is a member of the National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, and Scholar Bowl. He is also captain of the Mock trial team.
“Mock trial requires lots of coordination, teamwork, and smarts which are all things he shows on the team. He’s probably one of the most outstanding students I have this year,” Mock Trial moderator and Honors U.S. history teacher Tom Sothers said. “And I was not surprised at all to learn that he scored perfect on the ACT. That’s just the student he is and I’m sure he’s the same type of student in all of his classes.”
Hudson is planning to study applied mathematics or data science in college. He is considering University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), Washington University, and Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.
“All of these schools show great programs for what I want to study,” Hudson said. “And they have good alumni networks. I’m not sure about the top place I would want to go. Maybe Washington University or Northwestern, but I hope my scores can earn me some great scholarships to some excellent schools.”