Alumni sponsoring tree lot for holidays

Evan Scanlon ’23

Alumni Christmas Tree lot returns to campus.

Henry Reardon, Contributing Writer

Once again the Alumni Association will sponsor a tree lot from Nov. 25-Dec. 18. The tree lot will be held in the Ballas parking lot to raise funds for the school.
“We’re excited to be kicking off again since we had to take off a few years ago due to COVID,” Director of Alumni Engagement, Pat Morris said. “This is a great annual event and fundraiser for the school so we’re excited that we had it last year and we can do it again.”
The tree lot raises around $30,000 for the school each year. The Alumni Association collects the money and then gives the school back the profit in various different ways.
“We work with the Alumni Association so that they can buy and sell the trees,’” Mr. Morris said. “Once they sell enough trees to start making a profit, they start working with the Advancement team and [school president Fr. Ronny O’Dwyer, S.J.] to determine what some needs are around the school that the alumni can help rally around to help the boys and to help the school.”
The tree lot is the number one fundraiser for the Alumni Association. There are a few alumni from each class and the class representatives volunteer for shifts to cover the tree lot throughout the four weeks that it’s open.
“We will be one of the few lots available this year because of the shortage of trees,” Mr. Cernicek said. “It’s been a long-term traditional tree lot that’s been going on for many years and we’re happy that it’s back.”
This year the tree lot will have over 500 trees that will be on a big rack on the grass in the Ballas parking lot.
“It’s a great way to engage our alumni back to the school, and who doesn’t like to have a good Christmas tree during the holidays,” Mr. Morris said. “We have the best trees in town, so if anybody wants to come on by we’ll be open and ready to sell.”