Christmas on Campus is in full force

Roman Kaminski ’24

August Waller ’22 sets up a Christmas tree for last year’s Christmas on Campus at De Smet Jesuit.

John Mills, Entertainment Editor

After a two-year hiatus, on Dec. 2, students will decorate the lobbies, hallways, and cafe for the annual Christmas on Campus event on Dec. 3.

“It is an event where De Smet opens its doors to kids from the city,” Director of Student Activities Michael Russo said, “or from city parishes like St. Matt’s, St. Cecelias, and St. Alphonsus the Rock church.”

Before opening the doors, students will put up trees, hang tinsel around the school, and make the school look in the Christmas spirit.

“We need your help,” Russo said. “We literally need hundreds of students to both decorate [the school] and run activities. We need as much help as we can get.”

By doing these activities, students will get to hang out with their friends along with celebrating the Christmas Spirit.

“We always talk about being men for and with others,” Russo said. “This is more of an example of with others. We’re putting on a Christmas party but in doing so we actually grow closer as a school. I think it is a way for our community to serve too.”

Students can earn up to eight service hours.

“For the freshmen, this can fulfill their requirement to help with the one school event on campus this year,” Russo said. “And for sophomores, this can help them earn a few service hours.”

Last year De Smet opened up the invite to family members of the people who helped set up, as well as alumni.

“The day of, since we’re welcoming a bunch of school-aged kids,” Russo said. “We’re going to need a lot of guys to sign up to be buddies, which is what it sounds like, where you spend the day or even a couple hours with a kid. You would bring them to different crafts, activities, etc.”

Students received an email from Mr. Hall on Nov. 15 with a link to a sign-up for the event.

“The Christmas season is always about giving and hopefully thinking about others,” Russo said. “But it’s also about family and kind of being together and this is a great way for the De Smet family to spend some time together.”