A place to be productive
The Innovation Center was built to enhance the student’s ability to grow in their studies, so that’s what it should be used for.
December 14, 2018
It is cram time. Students all over the school are rushing to do their final assignments before exams. The Innovation Center is currently being used to the max, and is helping students prepare for the upcoming finals.
The Innovation Center is a helpful place to complete your work giving you the opportunity to collaborate with other students as well as work individually.
Students receive an abundance of homework each night, and the Innovation Center is a place that students can work without distractions to lessen their homework load. There is no excuse for being unproductive in the Innovation Center because it offers various different places to study. The caves offer the student the chance to collaborate on their work and the Hub space is quiet study, helping students focus on their upcoming homework.
The Innovation center offers also offers the opportunity to be tutored by an English teacher. Each period an English teacher is present in the Innovation Center to help students with any questions they have. Also a math teacher is present in the Emerson Lobby helping students with any math questions they have. Students are also able to go meet with teachers or even ask fellow students for help while they are in the Innovation Center.
Students may argue they use it as a mental break period allowing them to regain focus in the next class. Even though mental breaks are nice, they should not be used during your study hall at school. Activity period and lunch are to be used as a mental break for students to step away from the work and converse with their friends. Mental breaks should not be used during their study hall, which administration gave as a time for the students to shorten their homework load.
The Innovation Center should be used as a productive place instead of a distracting one. It gives students different opportunities on ways they are able to work. It comes with a responsibility that students do their work in the time given to give them more free time outside of school. It is a place meant to help the students instead of hurt them.