De Smet Scholar Bowl prepares for home Invitational Meet

Carrie Becher

Two teams of four compete to buzz in and get the right answer first.

With the winter sports season reaching its peak at De Smet just before Christmas break, one winter sport De Smet often overlooks is the official De Smet Scholar Bowl Team. Scholar Bowl is an after school event that challenges and pushes the limits of student’s knowledge of Math, Science, Pop Culture, and a litany of other topics, forcing avid competitors to exercise their brain more than their bodies. Scholar Bowl members spend countless hours with trivia games and apps to hone their quiz skills and test each other.

With their normal league play coming to a close, the Scholar Bowl team prepares for its most competitive meet of the season: The Annual De Smet Invitational. The De Smet Invitational is a non-league meet held on home turf by the De Smet team that attracts anywhere between 16-24 schools to come and test their skills in an all-out match in order to crown a winner. The De Smet team is preparing to advance to the Final Four League Championship, and hope that this incredibly competitive non-league invitational meet will increase their ability to function as a team and aid their Scholar Bowl skills.

The De Smet Invitational also is a great way for the De Smet community to come together, with many Freshman and Sophomores working all day to get in service hours alongside devoted De Smet Alumni to keep score and time during the various rounds and games in the meet.

Be sure to stay tuned in January for an opportunity to serve the De Smet community and watch some of the best and brightest go head to head with other schools.