Should lunch be cheaper?
The lunch room changed over a year ago to healthier food, but is it too expensive?
With the new “healthier” lunch menu the school has gone to, a lot of the food doesn’t get eaten. This forces many of the kids to buy a burger and fries, which prices have been raised. Ever since going to the new menu, the prices of the food has gone up and the popular food has been taken away.
With the school going to a healthier menu, they are trying to sell the students on healthier choices. If the school is wanting the students to make healthier choices, they should take away everything that is “bad” for the body. This would include candy, soda, ice cream, french fries, and cookies. Students have to be able to make choices by themselves and make the decisions on a balanced lunch. As a college preparatory, the school should be preparing the students to make their own decisions on lunches without their parents around. Students need to become more responsible about their health, and starting in high school is one of the last times student’s parents can help them learn on a daily basis.
Throughout the week, there is not much of a different variety.
“It’s consistently bad every day,” Senior Simon Benben expressed his frustration for the lunch menu. “In my opinion, there needs to be more variety, there’s no variety any day, they used to have mini tacos, different fries, chicken rings, all kinds of good stuff.”
These foods were very popular choices and people would pay for how many they wanted and could afford. Now, kids have to pay an equal price on most foods, no matter the portion of food. To get a chicken sandwich, fries, cookie, and Gatorade a student will spend over $11.
“I think it’s super repetitive every day,” Benben said. “Sometimes it even seems the like the stuff is old almost.”
To centralize, the school could bring back the old options for lunches that everyone loved and sell them one or two days a week while having healthy options every day. The school would still be selling healthy options, but students could get some of their favorite food a couple times a week.
Going to a healthier and more expensive lunch menu has forced kids to bring more money and buy food that isn’t their top choice. The bottom line is the school needs to make the school lunches more affordable or students will bring their lunch more often.

Favorite food:
French fries
Sports, hanging with friends
Favorite fast food place:
Jack in the Box
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