Companeros are a big help to freshmen
freshmen on odyssey help their homeroom get over the wall.
Companeros are the senior leaders who serve as “big brothers” of the incoming freshman throughout the year. The selected few spend time in freshman homerooms, engage in conversations with the freshman, and help organize the freshman retreats as well.
Companeros are necessary and are very helpful for incoming freshman as they go through their first year of high school.
Companeros help make the freshman transition from middle school into high school much easier. The transition from middle school to high school can be very challenging so there are student leaders there to help the freshman get through it. Freshman year of high school can be very overwhelming so having people that have been through it already helps out a lot. The help ranges from advice to help with homework and it helps the year go faster for the freshman.
Homeroom is the start of the school day and with the Companeros there to help the freshman it is a good way to help their days be more productive. Companeros basically spend the whole year with the freshman and they are mostly with them during homeroom. The Companeros were spread out in all of the freshman homerooms and are there to help assist them with anything they need. That could be help with homework, anything school related, or things not related to school.
Some may think that the Companeros are just doing things for the freshman instead of helping them which is incorrect because the Companeros give advice to the freshman and assist them with whatever they need so they know it for later on. Another misconception of the Companeros is that some people think that their not always around for the freshman but whenever the freshmen need help they are there to help them out.
The Companero’s impact on the freshman will most likely be with them for all of their years of high school. Being a Companero is a great experience for the seniors and the freshman and the more they have the more the tradition can continue.

Favorite food:
Reading, video games, hanging out with friends, and running
Favorite fast food place:
Taco Bell
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