Opinion: All students should care about politics
High school students are the future leaders of this country, all students should care, regardless of age.
Set all political values and preconceived notions aside and watch Barack Obama’s tweet of the video dismissing excuses for reasons not to vote. Obama left office in 2017, yet he continues to be active in the country’s political scene. He is not advocating for his political values, rather he is advocating for the citizens to carry out civic duties.
High school students are the future leaders of this country. Although only a handful of seniors can vote in the upcoming midterms, it is vital for all students to educate themselves and develop their own opinions on the issues that our world is facing.
In order to become a fully functioning member in today’s society, independence is key. Underclassmen have the responsibility to develop opinions separate from the influence of parents. Developing young men and women begin to grow more independent from parents or guardians in high school. Senior year arrives much faster than most unsuspecting freshmen realize, therefore, not only is it a civic duty for students to educate themselves, but it is also a big step towards independence.
Teens should partake in politics because the country will be theirs to run. Though many adults are not considered old, their perspectives and opinions are expiring. Current students must hold the power of influencing government officials, because students are the ones experiencing many of the problems the U.S. is facing, such as gun violence, school shootings, the rights of the LGBTQ+ community, medical marijuana and the #MeToo movement. Students should not allow the older generation to decide on these issues for them, rather they should be proactive in their ideals and political values, ultimately influencing government officials to enact them.
Parents must promote the intellectual independence of their children. This will create stronger minded young individuals who will lead this country to greatness. Students must be proactive with politics, educating themselves about the issues our country is facing. Teachers must initiate a positive learning environment where students can learn to be themselves and think for themselves. The United States will have less difficulty remaining great if these strategies are enacted for its future leaders.

Favorite food:
Every food
fishing, being a foodie
Favorite fast food place:
Crazy bowls and wraps
Never shower for the rest of your life or never brush your teeth?
Never shower

Favorite food:
Sports, music, hanging with friends
Favorite fast food place:
Never shower for the rest of your life or never brush your teeth?
Never brush teeth