MLK needed more than ever
Martin luther King Jr. has been gone for 50 years, yet is message is as important today as ever.
April 5, 2018
On April 4, 1968, America mourned the death of one it’s greatest leaders ever. Martin Luther King’s intelligence, compassion, and love for others brought hope to all seeking a way out of the trap that injustice had set for them.
Since we go to a Jesuit school, we can reflect on his life by connecting him to some of our Jesuit values. Dr. King was a Christian Reverend. Like the Jesuits, they both believe in the core value of the advancement of Christ throughout the world. Dr. King realized that his fellow African Americans were marginalized in society by many Americans. So he took to the streets risking his safety and well-being, to peacefully protest civil rights. His bravery, courage, and love for others is an example to all of what it takes to make a difference in society.
Obviously, Dr. King was needed most during the Civil Rights era. With recent events, his presence is needed now more than ever. Like back in the 1960s, Dr. King could offer a voice of reason to all. Many humanitarian issues that arise today are only being solved with political motivation. Unlike most leaders today, Dr. King was able to set politics aside and offer solutions that promoted Christian values that were best for humanity. America needs someone with a clean conscience who is willing to do whatever it takes to improve society. Dr. King was able to seek out evil and immorality in the world and destroy it. To leave you with a closing thought, I want to share this quote from Dr. King about morality:
“I have tried to make clear that it is wrong to use immoral means to attain moral ends. But now I must affirm that it is just as wrong, or perhaps even more so, to use moral means to preserve immoral ends.”