Are you the same on social media?

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Most people change they way they act when they log onto certain social media websites.
One of the easiest ways to show who you are to other people is Social Media. Every platform puts you out there into the world for everyone to see, but the question is, “Are you really being yourself on social media?”
In many ways, people use social media to put on a new persona just so they can get more friends or followers.
On social media, you usually see someone showing their perfect life or having certain views on someone or some topic. There are some people who show off their money or show material things they have bought to impress people. It is mostly younger people who tend to do this and tend to see this. Most people ignore it and other people somewhat admire it. People start to admire you for what you post and it might not actually be completely true. Most of the time, people are just showing material things that they do not actually have for followers. Also, it is actually rich people who portray their happy lives on social media, but when you actually see them they are not that happy.
Another way people put on a persona is with their views on certain topics. The Pew Research Center had a survey and found out that 1 out of 5 people changes their views on politics from social media. Everyone has their own personal opinion on things, but most people change their opinions to get more people on their side especially in politics. In politics, someone has a specific view on something, but they personally do not want to be the bad guy in any situation so they change their views to appeal to more people. People start to agree with them and they think that everything is good. Once they are approached by the public, they start to contradict themselves because they do not actually believe their own comments that they put on the internet.
Most people disagree with these claims by basically thinking that everything that is put on the internet is true. This claim is obviously incorrect because anything can be faked and just because something on the internet doesn’t mean it is absolutely true.
There are many ways that people can completely change themselves on social media just so they can have other people admire them. People should be them and should not be putting on a facade because people will respect the real you more than a variation of it.

Favorite food:
Reading, video games, hanging out with friends, and running
Favorite fast food place:
Taco Bell
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