Black Mirror gives off a bad message
The Black Mirror has a lot of people talking.
December 15, 2017
Black Mirror, directed by Charlie Brooker, is rated 8.9/10 on IMDb movies. The show has a high rating, and displays a variety of different things.
One episode depicts a world where everything everyone does is rated by a zero to five scale. By everything, it is literally everything, the way a person looks, acts, talks, what they do, and if they’re annoying. Black Mirror shows a modern day social media and puts the rest of the world in the future.
The rating system is simple. The closer a person is to five stars, they are more popular and more people respect them. If the person has a close to zero rating, they are the outcasted and shunned and often looked at as the worst part of society. Black Mirror’s world uses social media and ratings to determine what kind of person people are and rids civilization to humans in this episode.
Everyone becomes obsessed with their image and are afraid of what people think of them. The show overemphasizes things happening in the real world and shows where they could go in the future. Every episode is a completely different plot and different actors. The Black Mirror is an interesting show and will get anyone thinking about what they do in their own lives.